Wilderness Medicine Training

Welcome to the Wilderness Medical Associates course page, hosted by Hurricane Island Outward Bound School!

Information about each course offering can be found below. If you have questions, please check out the Frequently Asked Questions section below, or get in touch with HIOBS Course Advisor Sarah Cotton.


Hybrid WFR Recertification
May 3-4, 2025
HIOBS Wheeler Bay Base Camp | Spruce Head, ME

Course Description

The Wilderness First Responder Recertification course is designed to recertify eligible Wilderness First Responders and current WMA Wilderness EMS Upgrade graduates. Students will review essential skills, wilderness protocols, and updates in wilderness medicine.

Course Format

The Hybrid course includes a required e-learning section with ~12 hours of interactive online learning followed by 18 hours of in-person learning over two days. The e-learning section includes interactive learning modules with videos, readings, self-practice assignments, quizzes, and case studies. Students must register four weeks prior to the course to ensure adequate time to complete the e-learning section. Review the minimum technology requirements here before registering for the course.


Pre-course preparation, exams, and class time focuses on competency with the patient assessment system, critical system problems, management of life threats, wilderness protocols, environmental injuries, management of common injuries and illnesses, and critical thinking. The specific content and skills reviewed will vary based on the needs of the group.


Prior to enrolling, please review WMA’s Functional Position Description. The criteria in this policy allow students to self-assess their ability to meet the demands of a WMA International course as well as the demands of a certified wilderness medical provider in the field.

If you certification is current but will expire before the first day of the course, please email the WMA International office, [email protected], before you register for the course. Eligibility extension requests must be submitted to the WMA International office before your certification expires. You are ineligible to recertify if you register for a course after your certification or any relevant extensions has expired.

COST: $375 General Public | $250 HIOBS Staff

Tuition includes a cabin bunk or tent site plus meals from lunch on day 1 thru lunch on day 2.

COURSE IS FULL >> Click here to join the waitlist.


Hybrid WFR 5 Day Certification
May 6-10, 2025
HIOBS Wheeler Bay Base Camp | Spruce Head, ME

Course Description

The Wilderness First Responder (WFR) course provides essential training in wilderness medicine, leadership, and critical thinking for professionals, leaders, and outdoor adventurers in outdoor, low-resource, and remote environments.

Course Format

This course model requires 30+ hours of pre-course work including textbook learning and completion of a study guide and online exam followed by 45+ hours of in-person learning over the course of five days. Students must register eight weeks prior to the course to ensure adequate time for pre-course work. Internet is required to register, complete pre-course paperwork, and take the online pre-course exam.


The WFR Curriculum involves a minimum of 70 hours of instruction when taught in the United States (hours vary slightly in other countries). During the course, students learn the essential principles and skills required to assess and manage medical problems in isolated and extreme environments for days and weeks if necessary.


Prior to enrolling, please review WMA’s Functional Position Description. The criteria in this policy allow students to self-assess their ability to meet the demands of a WMA International course as well as the demands of a certified wilderness medical provider in the field. 

COST: $975 General Public | $500 HIOBS Staff

Tuition includes a cabin bunk or tent site plus meals from lunch on day 1 thru lunch on day 5.


HIOBS Staff: Email [email protected] to request a link to register and pay the staff tuition rate.

Please note that your payment secures your application. If unable to pay in full at the time of registration, please contact [email protected] to make alternate arrangements.

Wilderness Medicine FAQs

Who is teaching my Wilderness Medicine course?

One of the awesome instructors from theWilderness Medical Associates International!  When course access information is distributed 8-weeks prior to the course start, we will provide information about the instructor team.


Is food being served?

Yes – food, snacks, and hot drinks will be provided for all courses hosted by HIOBS.  Food will be available from Lunch on Day One thru Lunch on the last day of your course.

Can my dietary restrictions be accommodated?

In most cases, yes.  Please make note of them when registering for the course and we will follow up with you if we have any specific questions.  If you have a very restrictive diet it is recommended that you bring some snacks and extra food for supplementary purposes.

Is the price the same even if I am sleeping off-site?


How will I know where I am sleeping?

About a week before the course, we will email you with your housing assignment and additional information about the basecamp. Cabin spaces are distributed on a first come/first served basis.

Can I arrive the night before the course start?

Yes – in some cases we can accommodate those that are traveling from a great distance to attend the course.  Email [email protected] for approval.

How will the instructors be mitigating the risk of COVID-19 while teaching?

We are continuing to monitor the COVID landscape in Maine and will provide more information when course information is distributed.  Please see WMA’s page for COVID updates on how they are conducting in-person courses:  https://www.wildmed.com/wmai-covid-19-update/

What is the cancellation policy?

HIOBS will refund your course tuition in full up to 30 days before the course start.  Outside of that, refunds will only be made if we are able to find someone to fill your spot on the course.

I have more questions that have not been answered.

Email [email protected] with any additional questions.

If you have further questions, please contact:

Sarah Cotton
Course Advisor
207-706-5063 (M – F)
[email protected]

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