Preparing yourself mentally for an Outward Bound program is about making sure you are really aware of what the program is going to be like, and how you are going to be prepared for the whole experience - not just the physical challenge elements. You will find a lot of handy information on our What To Expect page to help with this.
It's a great idea to begin to dig into some of the things we do on course, so you are comfortable with them ahead of time. You could:
Adding a few of these experiences into your preparation plan will expand your comfort zone and help to reduce your nerves as you get closer to the start of your program.
Be ready to be part of a team. Think about other team experiences you have had in the past whether they are sports teams, school plays or business meetings. Come up with a few observations about what has made your teams successful in the past and plan on being a positive contributor during your course.
Look around your house and the “real” world and think about what you have and what you need. Things you currently take for granted like hot running water, upholstered furniture, and sidewalks will not be part of your experience. When you get the rhythm of wilderness living, you will see that despite the complexity of your everyday life, life on the trail and life at home are both ultimately about food, clothing, shelter, and each other. We will also ask you to leave behind non-essentials like deodorant, makeup, electronic devices, and books.
Whether it is the first or the 27th time you have been away from home, you might not ever have been this out of touch. The feeling of being alone and away from family might not happen immediately, but in a lot of cases, it will occur while on course. Please use your instructors and teammates as resources as they are there for help. If you think you might feel homesick, let us know. We can help you come up with some ideas to address it.
Compassion is one of Outward Bound’s core values. Be prepared to offer it and expect it from your teammates. You will travel with and rely on a group of strangers each of whom have different reasons for attending Outward Bound and will come with varying levels of physical and mental strength. You may find that you will need to make compromises in your own expectations to support other members of your team. It is important to remember that in such a small group setting, your attitude and actions affect everyone.
Outward Bound delivers learning, in large part, by discussing course experiences. By considering the experience through group discussion before and after, you are more able to hold onto the value of each experience and take it home with you. Be prepared to share your perspective and gain insight from others on your expedition.